Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cancer Breast Symptoms

Cancer Breast Symptoms in their early stages are usually painless. Often the first Cancer Breast Symptoms is the discovery of a hard lump. Fifty percent of such masses are found in the upper outer quarter of the breast. The lump may make the affected breast appear elevated or asymmetric. The nipple may be retracted or scaly. Sometimes the skin of the breast is dimpled like the skin of an orange. In some cases there is a bloody or clear discharge from the nipple. Many cancers, however, produce no symptoms and cannot be felt on examination. They can be detected only with a mammogram.

Monthly breast self-exams should always include: visual inspection (with and without a mirror) to note any changes in contour or texture, and manual inspection in standing and reclining positions to note any unusual lumps or thicknesses. Early Cancer Breast Symptoms usually does not cause pain and may cause no symptoms at all. It is normally found when a suspicious lump is detected. It must be about the size of a finger tip before it can be felt. Other signs of Cancer Breast Symptoms include
*Breast or nipple skin that is warm, red, swollen, or scaly
*Change in the shape or size of the breast
*A lump or thickening near the breast, or in the underarm
*Nipple discharge that is not breast milk
*Nipple tenderness
*A nipple that is turned inward, or inverted
*A rash around the nipple that may bleed, itch, or cause skin breakdown
*Ridges or pits in the breast
*Skin that is dimpled like an orange.

Cancer Breast Symptoms

Self Breast Exam

Women are recommended to examine their breasts once in a month to detect any changes or lumps. If breast self -examination detects a lump, the family doctor should be consulted. Treatment include cesium, iridium, iodine, phosphorus, and palladium. The side effects of implant therapy depend on the area being treated.Visual inspection (with and without a mirror) to note any changes in contour or texture, and manual inspection in standing and reclining positions to note any unusual lumps or thicknesses.

Cancer Breast Symptoms

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